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About Library

The Symbiosis Statistical Institute's beating heart is its library. The development of students and faculty members alike is greatly aided by the library. It is a trinity of students, staff, and resources. To enhance teaching and learning and to better serve their users, libraries’ developed book collections and technologies are highly instrumental. The SSI Library serves as a knowledge-exchange bridge between the institute's faculty and students. As a result, it closely emulates SIU, its alma institution.

The library is divided into two areas i.e. stock area, and the reading hall. The library has a comprehensive collection of Statistics and related subjects.

All the functions of SSI Library are being done through KOHA Library management software and it is being used to manage all administrative functions of the Library.

The member of the SSI library has access to more than 40,000 E-Journals, more than 7 E-Databases, and more than 100,000 E-Books through the SIU Library portal.


Print Collection

Sr. No. Name of the Collection Number of the Collection as of March 2024
1 Books 656
2 Book Bank 317
3 Magazines 2
4 Newspaper 5


Days Library Issue-Return
Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm 9.30 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday 1st & 3rd 9.30 am to 5.30 pm 9.30 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday 2nd & 4th OFF No


  1. Faculty (Full time and Visiting) and staff of Symbiosis Statistical Institute.
  2. B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of Symbiosis Statistical Institute.
  3. Rules for the Members
    • Students, Faculty, and Staff of SSI avail the facility by producing the Identity card of the SSI. I-card is the only mandatory criterion to avail of SSI library membership.
    • Members should adhere to the dress code of the institute.
    • Reading Hall Members should carry their own material for study.
    • 4.Library will terminate the member in case of misbehavior/violation of rules.


Library Services for In-house (SSI) Users

Referral Services:

Library offers individualized service to assist students, faculty, researchers and staff in locating the required information i.e. book or magazine/journal location in the library

New Additions of Books:

Library brings out a monthly list of books added to the collection. This list is sent to the library users over the email.

Plagiarism Checking Service:

Library offers Plagiarism Checking Service using a ‘Turnitin’ tool to its registered users. Turnitin is a leading originality-checking and plagiarism-prevention web tool which allows researchers to compare their contents against massive databases to ensure the work is original before submission. SIU Central Library has a paid license to this tool and given an account to SIOM Library.

Document Delivery Service:

SSI library provides Document Delivery Service to its registered users. If the required articles or research papers which come in the journals is available in the subscribed database, then the SSI library sends the full text to its user if the required information access in full text is not available in subscribed database then SSI library coordinates with its mother concern to provide its users with the requested materials.

Borrowing Service

Category Books Days
Students B. Sc. 1 5
Students M. Sc. 1 7
Full-Time Faculty 1 5
Visiting Faculty 1 7
Other Symbiosis Faculty or Staff 1 5

Borrowing Rules

  • Books that are labelled/stamped as reference books are not for borrowing.
  • Library is authorized to declare/hold certain books as reference material according to the demand. The book may not be labelled as Reference material.
  • Old loose issues of magazines only can be borrowed. New/Latest issues and back volumes are for reference only.
  • Borrowing period for a particular material can shrink according to the demand.

Referral Services:

  1. Every member of the staff must register its library membership by filling the prescribed form.
  2. The membership of the student shall be registered from the list submitted by the Institutional administrative office.
  3. Every member of the library will be required to show Identity Card/Library Card/Smart Card provided by the respective Institute/Library while enjoying the library facilities.
  4. The library resources ( like books, journals, periodicals, CDs, DVDs etc.) shall be issued to the members as per the circulation guidelines of SSI
  5. Books returned after Due Date will be charged a fine of Rs. 5/- per day.
  6. Faculty members can Issue 2 books for 1 month.
  7. If Library Card Lost. Student has to Pay Rs.50/- for duplicate library card.
  8. A member shall be required to return the resource/ book issued to him/ her any time if asked by the library
  9. A member shall return/ renew the resource issued to him/ her on or before the due date
  10. A member failing to return/ renew the resource within the specific time shall be liable for the payment of fine as prescribed in the circulation policy of the SSI.
  11. A member losing the library resource issued to him/ her shall follow the replacement rules as per the circulation policy of SIU.
  12. A member entering the library shall keep his/ her bags and other belongings outside the library on their own responsibility.
  13. A member shall be allowed to take photocopies of the required contents from the Reference Books / Current Issues of periodicals etc. with the permission of library staff.
  14. A members shall not write upon or damage or mark any signs/ symbols/ remarks on any book belonging to the library
  15. A member taking wrong book from shfshlf shall keep it on the book trolley or on the nearest table and shall not reshelf himself/ herself.
  16. A member shall not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. (A person doing so shall be liable for heavy penalty)
  17. A member shall not be allowed to issue any library resource to any one else.
  18. A member/ user may suggest /recommend book(s) which are useful for their study through SIU OPAC.
  19. A member entering the library shall observe all the disciplinary rules of SIU A Member shall observe silence in the library
  20. A member is requested to keep his/ her mobile switched off or in silent mode in the Library
  21. A member shall not engage in conversation in any part of the library
  22. A member leaving the library shall co-operate with the check out mechanism and the security
  23. A member is not allowed to cut any news or part of a newspaper
  24. Beverages and Eatables are not allowed inside the library.
  25. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  26. All students shall be allowed in the library decently dressed only as they are allowed in the classrooms
  27. The Library In-Charge reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner


Web OPAC link:-

Web OPAC is an Online Public Access Catalogue that allows library users to avail the services of the library using the Internet. Every library member gets access of Web OPAC. Where he/she can check his/her circulation history, recommend new book titles to the library, create own reading list of favourite books, etc.


Library Portal:

Library members can get access of all e-resources on the library portal. To access these e-resources you should have the login credentials for it. Every year newly admitted student’s registration is done according to their course duration by the librarian.

All subscribed e-resources can be accessed through SIU Library Portal:-
  • S Chand e-books Userid
  • Statista
  • Typeset
  • Grammarly
  • Videeya
  • QuestionPro
  • McGraw Hill Education India eBooks
  • Sage Online Collection
  • Pearson e-books
  • EndNote (Service)2016-17
  • Turnitin
  • Scopus
  • Jstor
  • Web of Science
  • Emerald Management E-Journal
  • Elsevier: Science direct - Management

Library Committee

The library consists of the following members:

SR.NO. Name of Members Designation Position in Committee
1 Dr. Sharvary Shukla Director Chairperson
2 Dr. Monika Vishnoi Assistant Professor Faculty Library I/C
3 Dr. Tufleuddin Biswas Assistant Professor Member
4 Dr. Arijit Maji Assistant Professor Member
5 Mrs. Pushkar Gurjar Supervisor Member
6 Mr. Mohan Mantre M.Sc. Coordinator Member
7 Miss. Sangeeta Pujari B.Sc. Coordinator Member
8 Atharva Varma M.Sc. Student Student Representatives
9 Ishwari Bhakare M.Sc. Student Student Representatives
10 Saanjh Shapurkar M.Sc. Student Student Representatives
11 Pradipta Ghosh M.Sc. Student Student Representatives
12 Mesam Laloo B.Sc. Student Student Representatives
13 Dr. Swadesh Sharma University Librarian, Central Library Library Advisor, Invitee
14 Ms. Gauri Tekale Library Assistant Member Secretary

To suggest or recommend a reading material (book/ Journal/ Magazine/ CD etc.) to purchase in the Library, you may submit your purchase request through ‘Koha Web OPAC’ (hyperlink with ) or you can send your purchase suggestions on

Useful Links

National Digital Library

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. NDL India is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading Indian languages. It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources


SWAYAM is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.


The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET is set-up using an open source digital repository software called DSpace developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in partnership between Hewlett- Packard (HP). The DSpace uses internationally recognized protocols and interoperability standards. Shodhganga provides a platform for research scholars to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the researchers.

020 25925163 / 020 25669310

Symbiosis Statistical Institute,
Symbiosis International (Deemed University),
Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411004.

FAQs of the Library

Students, Faculty, Visiting Faculty, and Staff of Symbiosis Statistical Institute can access the SSI library services.
Outside users who belong with other colleges’ apart from Symbiosis are allowed to refer the books inside the library premises. These users are requested to bring an official letter duly sign by their Librarian/Head of the Department/Guide/Principal and identity card of their college is mandatory to avail SSI services.
You can carry own books to the library by making necessary entries in daily log register.
Over dues, as laid down hereunder, shall be charged from the students if they fail to return the book(s) on or before the due-date as indicated on the Due-Date-Slip in the book:
  • i) Fine will be charged including all Sundays and Holidays.
  • ii) Rs.5.00 per book per day shall be charged
You can email the suggestions at
Students can give their recommendations through the Web OPAC . Login with your PRN fill the form and submit it.